Solving pet overpopulation is surprisingly simple, but the complexity is in getting people to understand the need and to take action.
So, let's start with the easy part first.
To create a society that would never have to put a pet down, we would need to:
1. Spay and neuter all dogs and cats
2. Always adopt pets from rescues and shelters
3. Never buy from a breeder or a pet store (aka. puppy mill)
4. Shut down puppy mills
Four simple steps really and honestly, they are a little repetitive ... we really just need to always adopt, never buy and make sure all animals are fixed.
One female dog can produce nearly 4,000 puppies in her lifetime, and male dogs can father countless litters. Spaying and neutering is so important because we are at a point with pet overpopulation that for every puppy born, another pet is sentenced to death.
We all know that it's good to adopt and not buy, but we have to understand why, and we have to take it upon ourselves to not be afraid to spread this knowledge and to ask everyone we know to do the same.
I hope I see the day when people truly understand the consequences of breeders and puppy mills, of not spay and neutering, and that their actions make a statement. I hope to see the day that there is enough love in the world for all pets.
Last year 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 dogs and cats were euthanized in the United States - there are just as many still in shelters without a place to call home.
That is my motivation to change this.
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