March 21, 2013

Looking for a bit of magic for Tinker Bell

The following article is a guest post on the Doggie Avenger Blog, written by a fellow Doggie Avenger, Erin Rist.
If you have ever had the pleasure of owning a Great Dane then you know how they bury themselves deep into your heart. They are beautiful, majestic dogs who are incredibly sensitive, embody the spirit of "man's best friend" and have an extraordinary way of communicating with you that no other breed can match.
Great Danes are well known as "Gentle Giants" and depending on their build and gender they can weigh anywhere from 90-200lbs. They often don't realize their own size. They bump into things and think they can fit on your lap. One my Danes loves to sit on my lap!
They are surprisingly sweet with other dogs and are careful not to be reckless around small dogs and children. Great Danes are the true definition of couch potatoes and spend most of their time being lazy. And they are the best cuddle buddies, mostly because their size makes them 100% huggable.
As someone who is owned by two Great Danes herself I have a soft spot for them and can't bear to see a Dane suffering.
Currently at the MaxFund sits lovable 6-year-old Tinker Bell the Great Dane. Tinker Bell was surrendered by her owner who slapped her across the face in front of MaxFund staff just before she released Tinker Bell into the next chapter of her life. It doesn't take an expert to see that this was not the first time Tinker Bell was abused. I have met Tinker Bell myself and you can see the abuse on her through her eyes and it has even burned into her heart. She seems sad and looks defeated. It is truly heart breaking to look at her.
But, through all of that, within minutes of meeting Tinker Bell she came over to me and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek. She is truly the example of looking forward despite the cards she has been dealt so far.
Tinker Bell has been at the MaxFund for almost two entire months. While the staff there cares and provides for her to the best of their abilities it is still especially hard on a Great Dane to live their life in a cold, kennel without the comforts of a home and without knowing what their future holds. Great Danes are dogs meant to be right next to their people whether that is underfoot, on the couch or snuggled up in bed. The lonely, cold and isolated experience of any shelter is never good for any dog but for a Dane it can be devastating.
I implore anyone who has just read these words to get up and do something! Let's get her out of the MaxFund and into her forever home; let's help Tinker Bell get to her perfect tomorrow.
How can you do this?
·         Consider adopting Tinker Bell from the MaxFund.
·         Spread the word. Re-post this information to your own personal blog, your Facebook wall, post a link to it from your Twitter handle, email your friends, family and anyone you know who may be able to provide any opportunities to Tinker Bell.
·         Send your good vibes, warm thoughts and prayers Tinker Bell's way.
Tinker Bell deserves all of the help we can lend her. If you have the heart take the time to do anything you can to help her out. Everything counts, big and small.

If you'd like to find out more about Tinker Bell, please visit

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