January 01, 2017

2017. Let's make it ace.


adjective: ace
1. very good.

synonyms: excellent, first-rate, first-class, marvelous, wonderful, magnificent, outstanding, superlative, formidable, virtuoso, masterly, expert, champion, consummate, skillful, adept;

antonyms: mediocre

Last week, to round out 2016, I had a physic reading. During the reading "Ace" cards surfaced several times, and I learned that the Ace card symbolizes new beginnings. It's certainly a pretty fitting card for me as I complete a year of personal transitions; yet, I got to thinking that could be pretty fitting for 2017 as a whole. 

The antonym of ace is mediocre. Mediocre is a word that has synonyms such as indifferent and amateurish. Perhaps mediocracy sums up 2016 more perfectly than I even originally imagined. 

So let's make 2017 the opposite of mediocre. Let's make it ace. 

If we see 2017 as a time for new beginnings, we focus on opportunity and not on challenges. 

The years ahead will not all be ace. In fact, there will likely be many things that happen in 2017 - and beyond - that are far from it. 

There are many things we cannot control, but there are many things we can control.

Focusing on what is negative somehow creates more negativity. Focusing on the positive creates more positivity. There is always bad, there is always good ... and there is always perspective. 

So, what if we all do everything we can to make 2017 an ace year?

What if we all stood up for something we care about? 
What if we opened our hearts and shared something that we care about with others?
What if we all heard one another, truly listened, and considered diverse ideas respectfully?
What if we chose love over hate, understanding over ignorance, action over indifference?
What if we decided to create new beginnings in every way that we could?

How we spend our days is how we live our lives. 

Decide to make every - or any - aspect of life you can control intentional and positive. 
Decide to make 2017 ... Ace.

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